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barium stearate中文

用"barium stearate"造句"barium stearate" in a sentence"barium stearate"怎麼讀


  • 硬脂酸鋇


  • The tensile strength of m / zinc stearate and m / barium stearate improved 97 % and 104 % compared to grt respectively , the elongation at break of triethylene tetramine and tetraethylene pentamine improved 115 % and 152 % compared to grt respectively
    M硬酯酸鋅、 m硬酯酸鋇的拉伸強度分別為6 . 8mpa 、 7 . 05mpa ,比grt分別提高了97 、 104 。三乙烯四胺和四乙烯五胺的扯斷伸長率分別為290和340 ,比grt分別提高了115和152 。
  • The optimal recipe was gained through perpendicular experiment , the properties of recipes of 2 - mercapatobenzothiazol / zinc dimethyldithiocarbamate ( m / zdmc ) and benzothiazyl disulphide ( dm ) / zdmc and 4 , 4 ' - dithiodimorpholine ( dtdm ) / zdmc was better than the others , zdmc was replaced by zinc stearate and barium stearate for the first time , the properties of triethylene tetramine and tetraethylene pentamine was better than the others , " heavy oil " was used to solubilize grt further
    在de - link改性體系中,通過正交實驗得出m zdmc的最佳工藝, m zdmc 、 dm zdmc 、 dtdm zdmc配方的性能較好;首次用硬酯酸鋅和硬酯酸鋇代替zdmc ,代替后的性能稍有提高;在乙撐胺改性體系中,三乙烯四胺和四乙烯五胺的性能較好。
用"barium stearate"造句  


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